Transport Business Major Projects Strategy Development
Marelius has been engaged now on five separate occasions over a 5-year period to work with a global consultant to facilitate the development of a strategy for its major projects team, which delivers some of Australia’s most iconic and high profile transport infrastructure projects.
For each assignment, the work involved facilitating a 2-day workshop, which was a mix of hearing about the latest trends and opportunities, tackling inefficiency in the way work was bid and delivered and interacting with clients and delivery partners. The workshops culminated in actions which would lead to the development of a 12 month team strategy, which also tied in with a 3 year company strategy.
Challenges & Opportunities
Prior to the facilitated workshop, it was important to discuss some of the project issues with key team members. Given that many of them were busy delivering some of Australia’s largest infrastructure projects at the time, this was a considerable challenge.
Bringing clients and delivery partners into the workshop was a great opportunity for the team to hear first-hand, what the expectations of their performance was.
Our Solution
During the leadup to the workshop, many discussions were held with key team members, other stakeholders, clients and partners. This was invaluable input to the structure of the workshop.
The workshop helped establish and strengthen relationships between team members, allowed further interaction with clients and delivery partners and led to the development of an exciting strategy for the year ahead.
Best of all, the workshop was fun! We all had a great time over the two days and although, churning out a strategy is hard work, we did it with passion and plenty of laughs along the way.