Case Study
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Executive Coaching across Australia and New Zealand
As an accredited coach with Coach U, Mark led a series of coaching clinics for the executive teams of a major engineering consultant. He facilitated numerous coaching clinics throughout Australia and New Zealand over a five-year period. The intent of these coaching clinics was to effectively “train the trainer”. Mark’s remit was to give business leaders the skills to better interact with and coach their own teams.
Challenges & Opportunities
Scepticism was one of the biggest challenges to overcome. Highly technical engineering teams just wanted to get on and design “stuff” and not be burdened by coaching. We were able to turn that into an opportunity by demonstrating the advantages of a coaching model and how it would increase the overall effectiveness of these people’s teams.
Our Solution
We worked hard to engage the participants and demonstrate the results of effective coaching. The initial 12 month program was such a success, that the program was extended a further 5 years, leading to recognised improvements in employee engagement across the board.
And, as with all of our workshops, we all had a great time 🙂